Commission prices for Critterwit/Critterslit.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
Icons, Emotes & Stickers
Discord Emote: $10
Sticker: $10
Static Icon: $10
Wiggle Icon: $20
Other Animated Icon: $30
Headshot: $10
Bust: $12
HalfBody: $15
Fullbody: $25
Headshot: $15
Bust: $20
HalfBody: $30
Fullbody: $40
Headshot: $20
Bust: $25
HalfBody: $35
Fullbody: $50
Digital Color
Headshot: $30
Bust: $40
HalfBody: $55
Fullbody: $80
Additional Character
Up to 3 total: +100% each
4 or more: +150% each
(This applies to base price only, does not include additional charges like nsfw or background)
+ $10.00
+ $10.00
Simple: + $15.00
Complex: + $30.00
Alt Versions
Additional cost for alt versions is case by case and depends entirely on how many and how drastic the requested alterations are.